Vladimir Svidersky Photography


Hello, my name is Vladimir and I'm happy to welcome you on my website.

Photography has been my serious hobby for about last 10 years. I truly believe in two things about photography: there is a beauty in everything that surrounds us, and it is a photographer's job to unveil and capture this beauty.

Right now I live in Bay Area, California, and most of my photographs been taken around here. I love just to walk around, climb the hills and catch that precise nick of a time, that perfect light conditions and weather when simple rock, a grass on a hill or a little creek will show you all their beautiful nature. So, on most of my photographs you will not find exotic landscapes, skyrocket mountains, hundred feet tall waterfalls, wild animals - just regular forests, creeks, sky - something that almost everybody can see almost every time you wonder around. But this is exactly what I love about my hobby, exactly what makes it so special for me.

This site is my portfolio. I show here only my best works, and I hope you will enjoy it. Thank you for visiting. Let's start looking!

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Pescadero Beach, Pescadero, California, USA
September 13, 2003

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